Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Fight for My Right, To ...

We all understand Freedom of Speech, right? It allows you to say what you want to say. Well, if I lived in the Big Apple, I'd be fighting for my Freedom to Drink. No, it's not what you think (although Mama does love her wine). I'm talking about my right to drink Diet Coke in the triple-gallon-size jug from which I choose.

I know it's not good for me. In fact, I know it's absolutely terrible. That said, hardly a day goes by that I don't swing through the McDonald's drive thru to get me a large DC. Why do I bring up this oh-so-uninteresting fact? Because New York Mayor Bloomberg is trying to restrict the public sales of soft drinks to no more than 16 ounces. That means you go to a movie and want the large Sprite. Fine, you're getting a 16-ouncer. Same goes at the gas station, in a restaurant, or watching a football game. He says it's in a effort to help Americans embrace healthy choices and fight against obesity and diabetes. Fine, you (and I mean I) shouldn't be chugging that 2-liter Diet Coke. But is it really the place of the government to tell me that? I think not. And, with that I say, "New York City? Get a rope."


Anonymous said...

next thing you know we won't be able to say "make mine a double" at our local watering hole, and car makers will have to install more cup holders for when we order 2 16 oz. sodas. It's a domino effect....

Unknown said...

1 popcorn and 3 large Diet Cokes, please.

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