I know it's not good for me. In fact, I know it's absolutely terrible. That said, hardly a day goes by that I don't swing through the McDonald's drive thru to get me a large DC. Why do I bring up this oh-so-uninteresting fact? Because New York Mayor Bloomberg is trying to restrict the public sales of soft drinks to no more than 16 ounces. That means you go to a movie and want the large Sprite. Fine, you're getting a 16-ouncer. Same goes at the gas station, in a restaurant, or watching a football game. He says it's in a effort to help Americans embrace healthy choices and fight against obesity and diabetes. Fine, you (and I mean I) shouldn't be chugging that 2-liter Diet Coke. But is it really the place of the government to tell me that? I think not. And, with that I say, "New York City? Get a rope."

next thing you know we won't be able to say "make mine a double" at our local watering hole, and car makers will have to install more cup holders for when we order 2 16 oz. sodas. It's a domino effect....
1 popcorn and 3 large Diet Cokes, please.
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